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.25 programmes de formation

Nous formons de 0 à un coach professionnel avec une spécialisation en coaching d'équipe, de groupe, d'entreprise et de direction, un accompagnement dans l'obtention de qualifications internationales, et aidons également à créer une entreprise.


International-level Professional Coach

Master the profession of an international-level coach from scratch with our program. Training is conducted via Zoom, with no homework, and 24/7 support. The program is accredited by three international federations: ICF, EMCC, and AC. You will be able to work with clients worldwide, gaining skills in coaching sessions and long-term contracts. Convenient schedule, one-year access to materials, and a supportive community will help you grow as a professional. Obtain international certificates and start building a successful career or your own coaching business.

2,744 students

167 groups


International Coach

Master the profession of an international-level coach from scratch with our program. Training is conducted via Zoom, with no homework, and 24/7 support. The program is accredited by one of the leading international federations: ICF. You will be able to work with clients worldwide, gaining skills in conducting coaching sessions and working with long-term contracts. A convenient schedule, access to materials for a year, and a supportive community will help you develop as a professional. Obtain an international certificate and start building a successful career or your own coaching business.

3,301 students

167 groups


International Level Professional Team Coach

A professional team coach helps teams achieve business goals by creating a sustainable environment for long-term growth and development. Team coaching fosters collective responsibility and the ability to make quick decisions, leading to positive long-term results. Unlike individual coaching, team coaching offers collective benefits, promoting the development of the entire company. Research shows that team coaching will be the most in-demand coaching service in the coming years. This course is designed for practicing coaches who want to specialize in team coaching and work with teams, increasing their income as team coaching sessions are more expensive.

201 students

13 groups


Psychology Basics for Coaches

40 hours of live training on Zoom, aimed at developing skills and expanding coaches' psychological knowledge. The program combines academic content with practical training based on the theory of psychology basics and their practical application in coaching practice according to ICF standards. The course includes trainings and workshops, reflective practice, analysis of acquired knowledge, group discussions, mini-lectures, and case studies. The program seamlessly integrates theoretical foundations into ICF competencies and is divided into three main branches: ethics and being, enhancing coaching research, and strengthening the coach's personality.

96 students

7 groups


Professional International Mentor for Coaches

Mentor-coach according to international ICF standards. Learn to help coaches unlock their potential, grow in their profession, and achieve international accreditations by inspiring, supporting, and encouraging them. Mentoring is a form of support that makes it easier for coaches to grow professionally. Working hours with a mentor are a requirement for obtaining international ACC, PCC, and MCC ICF accreditations. A mentor analyzes coaching sessions, notes the implementation of ICF competencies, and provides developmental feedback. As a result, coaches identify growth points, develop their style, and skillfully work with strategies and tactics. A mentor certificate expands your range of services and contributes to financial growth.

77 students

6 groups


Professional International Supervisor for Coaches

A 6-month program that includes 5 modules and practical training with the participation of CoachingUP students and alumni. Certification is provided at the end of the program. During the training, you will learn different models and styles of conducting both individual and group supervision, and you will gain access to the experience of PCC/MCC ICF-level supervisors. The program includes 20 workshops, 4 individual supervision demonstrations, 3 group supervision demonstrations, 3 observed supervisions, 3 sessions in groups of three, 4 intervisions, 1 individual mentoring session, a 3-week practice (1 individual supervision and 1 group supervision with feedback), and certification.

33 students

2 groups


Fundamentals of Supporting Long-Term Contracts in Coaching

Provides comprehensive training on the fundamentals and structure of working with long-term contracts. The course includes 10 hours of materials, with 8 hours of video lectures and 2 hours of practical workshops. It covers key aspects of long-term client interactions, including building trust, setting and achieving major life goals, conducting contract and work sessions, and concluding long-term cooperation. This course is intended for coaches who are currently studying or practicing and want to learn how to work effectively with clients on a long-term basis.

144 students

2 updates


HR Coach

The "HR Coach" course is a 68.5-hour program conducted on Zoom, aimed at developing coaching skills for HR professionals. The program prepares professionals capable of effectively conducting coaching sessions for their company's employees. Based on international coaching standards, this course is designed for HR specialists at various levels who seek to enhance their qualifications and significantly contribute to the development of employees and the organizational culture of their company.

26 students

2 groups


Coaching in Agile

Designed for professionals working with Agile methodologies, this course aims to develop coaching skills based on international standards. The program includes 68.5 hours of training on Zoom, enabling participants to effectively conduct coaching sessions for their company's employees. Throughout the course, you will learn how to apply coaching competencies to improve team interaction, increase productivity, and achieve goals within the Agile framework. The program features training sessions, workshops, group discussions, and case studies, helping students to grasp theoretical knowledge and apply it in practice.

26 students

2 groups


International Level Group Coach

This skill development course is conducted live. It is designed for those studying to become coaches and already practicing coaches. The course focuses on developing group coaching skills with an emphasis on ICF standards. Students will learn to conduct group coaching sessions for audiences ranging from 3 to an unlimited number of participants. The course includes 36 hours of training in two languages on Zoom, held twice a week for 2 hours each. At the end of the program, certification is provided.

26 students

1 group


Sales Coach

The "Sales Coach" course is designed for coaches aiming to specialize in supporting sales employees. Over 12 hours of live training on Zoom, participants will learn key methods and techniques to effectively work with sales teams, supporting employees in finding and implementing individual strategies to increase sales.

Enrollment Open

1 group


International Business and Executive Coach

Includes 48 hours of training in two languages on Zoom, held twice a week for 2 hours each. This course focuses on skill development and is conducted live. It is suitable for both novice coaches and practicing coaches aiming to specialize in business and executive coaching, specifically coaching top-level executives. The course covers all aspects of working with corporate clients and leaders, providing deep knowledge and practical skills.

76 students

3 groups


Career Coach

Designed for practicing coaches who wish to specialize in career development and growth. Over 12 hours of live training on Zoom, participants will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to professionally handle requests for career development, job changes, or promotions. The program provides coaches with tools to support company employees in forming and developing their career goals and plans.

Enrollment Open

1 group


Crisis Coach

12 hours of live training on Zoom, specially designed for practicing coaches aiming to acquire skills in working with clients in crisis situations. The program covers essential approaches needed to support clients experiencing emotional stress, loss, forced relocation, and other crisis circumstances.

67 students

2 groups


Collection of Demo Coaching-Sessions

A unique collection of 15 recordings of real coaching sessions conducted by Professional Certified Coach (PCC) ICF. Each session lasts 30-40 minutes and showcases various approaches and techniques used by high-level professional coaches. This course allows participants to gain insights into different session styles and expand their coaching toolkit.

54 students

2 updates

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20 вопросов для определения вашего потенциала в коучинге.
Всего 3-5 минут вашего времени.
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Пройдіть тест

Не впевнені, чи підходить вам коучинг як професія? Пройдіть наш тест і отримайте відповідь вже через кілька хвилин.

20 питань для визначення вашого потенціалу в коучингу.
Всього 3-5 хвилин вашого часу.
Персональні рекомендації після проходження.

Тест допоможе вам краще зрозуміти свої сильні сторони, дізнатися, наскільки коучинг відповідає вашим інтересам, і зробити усвідомлений вибір.

Coaching Subscription with International Coaches

Discover what you truly want in any area of life or business, or from life in general. Strengthen your inner resilience and self-belief, get inspired to take action despite any obstacles, and gain so much more. :))

Get 14 coaching sessions over 2 weeks starting at $27.

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