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.International-Level Professional Coach

Acquire a profession with the ability to work with clients online or offline around the world, while also achieving positive transformations in your own life. Join us from October 7th., evenings twice a week.

4,344 graduates from 96 countries speaking 7 languages have already completed the program.

One of the 6 programs in the world that is accredited by three international federations:

Only 8% of coaches have international qualifications

We will help you join this 8%. According to a study, 287,534 people worldwide call themselves coaches on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn profiles, but only 23,435 coaches have international qualifications. Find coaches with international qualifications in the ICF directory here:, EMCC directory here:, and AC directory here:

No need for a psychology degree or expertise in client's query

Psychologists and mentors are separate professions, and having knowledge in these fields can even complicate the work of a coach, as the roles may overlap. Clients can become confused, not understanding whether they are currently dealing with a coach, a psychologist, or a mentor. A psychologist evaluates and works with tools, a mentor gives advice, but a coach is non-judgmental, does not use tools, and does not give advice. Certainly, if you are an expert in a specific field or a psychologist, you can effectively manage parallel activities. The main thing is to separate sessions with the same client to manifest yourself in different roles and to ensure there is no role conflict. Then everything will work out!

Positive changes in the coach's life through constant development

A coach is a trainer of mindfulness, and mindfulness is the key to happiness as it helps better understand one's desires and priorities, and find opportunities to achieve the desired goals. By learning the coaching profession, we ourselves increase our level of mindfulness, and then, by practicing in the profession, we continue to develop as individuals. A coach works with their personality, not tools. Constant professional improvement leads to the personal development of the coach. This approach helps the coach not only in their professional life but also in their personal life, improving the quality of interactions with others and fostering personal growth.

A coach is needed by almost everyone as they help make people happier

A coach helps people identify what truly matters to them, understand their values and priorities. They assist in seeing opportunities and moving towards desired outcomes by developing mindfulness and self-understanding. A coach works with both internal goals (becoming more confident, finding inner support) and external ones (climbing the career ladder, starting a business, improving relationships with loved ones).

Independence in building your own coaching business

When you are employed, you depend on your employer and cannot be sure how long you will be in demand. In 2024, coaching services are projected to generate $6.2 billion globally, with the market growing by 30% each year. Maybe it's time to start your own business or create an additional source of income? Time doesn't stand still. In your own business, no one tells you what to do, and you manage your workload and time yourself. Coaching provides you with this freedom and independence, allowing you to build your own business, work with clients worldwide, and create a sustainable income. You define your path and opportunities, enjoying professional freedom and personal satisfaction.

.About the Coaching Profession

Master a sought-after coaching profession, grow personally and professionally while helping others without forgetting about yourself.

.About the Program

Start date: October 7th., 2024 at 18:30 Kyiv time via Zoom, then 2-hour sessions twice a week on Monday and Wednesday evenings.

Enrollment for the 149th group, with only 30 spots available. New groups start every month. We are big and systematic :)

The training is in Russian, but you can choose groups in Ukrainian, Georgian, French, English, or Portuguese. It's important to learn coaching in the language you think in.

We do not accept applicants residing in or paying taxes in Russia or Belarus, as they finance the war in Ukraine.

  • Our program is designed so that you can start seeking and attracting clients after just three months of training. By selling your coaching services and working with real clients, you will gain practical experience and develop your professional skills. We will support you throughout the process, helping you to grow and refine your coaching abilities.

  • Practical sessions make up 80% of our program. A coach works with their personality, not just tools, showcasing their competencies. Therefore, a large amount of practice is essential for developing the necessary skills. You will not only study theory but also actively practice professional competencies for your new career. All training is conducted live via Zoom, without "video lessons" or homework! We know you are busy, and we don't offer recorded lectures to avoid wasting your time :)

  • Considering your busy schedule, we have developed a training methodology based on P.A.D.S. standards that excludes homework. This allows you to learn the profession without additional burden, effectively balancing your studies with personal life and other activities. We believe that learning can be easy and enjoyable, and we strive to create an environment where you can master a new profession without stress and with pleasure. Our goal is to make your learning experience as comfortable and joyful as possible.

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  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is often mistakenly equated with coaching. However, our approach is based on true coaching, which does not use thought programming techniques. We teach you to unlock the client’s potential through questions and listening, rather than instructions and advice.

    In coaching, no one is programmed — it is about self-awareness and personal development. Moreover, NLP is considered pseudoscience and is not taught in leading universities in the USA and Europe. We train based on the recognized standards of major international coaching federations.

  • Continuous support almost around the clock. Each training cohort has an assigned coach-mentor and administrator who are always ready to assist you on Telegram. The university founder, Andrey Nekrasov, is also available for communication and participates in the chats of each cohort.

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  • Join our community of like-minded individuals, where learning is combined with experience sharing. Establish valuable connections, develop joint projects, and support each other even after completing the programs. Unlike training based on video lessons, our live sessions on Zoom create a space for communication, development, and mutual exchange of knowledge and experience.

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  • We have developed our own mobile app, providing access to recordings of all Zoom meetings, tests, and allowing you to schedule individual meetings with mentors. With the app, you will always be connected to our resources and enjoy convenient learning, no matter where you are.


Program accredited by three federations

Worldwide, 2,182 companies offer 3,852 coaching training programs, but only 6 have all three accreditations from three federations, and our program is one of them.


International Coaching Federation [ICF, USA], program accreditation "Level 2" out of 3 possible levels.

European Mentoring and Coaching Council [EMCC, Belgium], accreditation level "Senior Practitioner," which is the 3rd level out of 4 possible levels.

Association for Coaching [AC, UK], program accredited at the 4th level out of 4 possible levels - "Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coach Training" [AADCT].

  • Our program is accredited by the three largest international federations: the International Coaching Federation (ICF, USA), the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC, Belgium), and the Association for Coaching (AC, UK). There are only 6 programs worldwide with such accreditation, and ours is one of them.

    Upon completion of the training, you will have the opportunity to easily obtain individual certification, setting you apart from thousands of other coaches. You can choose to certify with one or all three federations, affirming your high level of professionalism.

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  • There are many coaches worldwide, but only 8% have obtained international certification from one of the three largest federations: ICF, EMCC, or AC. There are 49,305 coaches certified by these three federations globally. You can verify this on the ICF website here, on the EMCC website here, and in the AC directory here.

    We support our students on their journey to certification, providing guidance and direction. Thanks to this, 70% of our graduates successfully obtain international certification on their first attempt, significantly enhancing their competitiveness and professional opportunities.

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  • Upon completing our program, you will acquire an internationally recognized profession that is in high demand and offers the opportunity to work with clients worldwide. Coaching allows you to create a flexible schedule and manage your career, providing services online or offline.

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    While taking care of yourself, you can help people achieve their personal and professional goals, improve their lives, and find balance. This profession provides freedom and independence, giving you the opportunity to build your own business or an additional source of income. It is worth noting that the cost of a coaching session with 89 ICF coaches worldwide exceeds $1,000, and thousands work in the range of $250-$500. See the ICF coach directory for more details

  • In the program, you will learn effective strategies for storytelling and promoting coaching services on social media. This will help attract clients through organic growth and reach, enhancing your personal brand. You will be able to improve your skills to confidently advance in the online space and create recognition among your target audience.

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  • After completing the training, you will be able to work with international companies that hire coaches for their projects to provide coaching services to businesses. According to our data, there are more than 200 such companies and services worldwide, and this is just what we have managed to analyze. In each country, there are companies and services that operate in your language, as well as international leaders such as BetterUp, valued at over 5 billion dollars, and CoachHub, valued at 2 billion dollars.

    Our graduates successfully work in these companies, providing coaching services to businesses worldwide, including in their native languages.

    Home - RU - About education - Support.webp
  • Our graduates have the opportunity to participate in projects offering coaching services to both individual clients and companies. We have a "coaching by subscription" project where clients can try various coaching sessions and choose their coach for a long-term contract.

    Additionally, our specialized division,, provides coaching services to companies. So far, we have successfully completed 26 corporate projects, demonstrating the high quality of our services and the professionalism of our graduates.

  • A coach trained to international standards works with their personality rather than tools, leading to profound changes in their demeanor. During the training process, the coach learns to listen and truly hear, maintain focus on key issues, ask effective questions, share their vision subtly, and enhance their awareness.

    All of this helps in better understanding their desires, goals, and values, and in moving towards them. With 80% of the program dedicated to practice, the coach develops these skills, resulting in significant positive changes in their own life.

  • In our training, there are no homework assignments. By attending live Zoom sessions twice a week, you will master the necessary skills and gain a profession. All sessions are recorded and stored in our proprietary system, accessible via our mobile app for Android and iOS, as well as through a browser. This allows you to revisit the materials as needed while practicing and developing in the profession. Having access to these recordings for one year after completing the program enables you to confidently advance and maintain a high level of professionalism.

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.Learning Outcomes

Obtain an international diploma, a sought-after profession, and positive changes in your life.

Work in international services and our projects with access to all materials for a year after completing the training.

.32 Trainers and Speakers

as well as mentors, supervisors, observers, assessors, administrators, curators, tutors, who will support you throughout the training process, creating a supportive environment

Show 8 more [Total 32]

.Training Program

Starts on October 7th., 2024, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Kyiv time, fully online via Zoom, twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays in groups of up to 30 participants. The duration of each module is 1 month. The language of instruction is Russian.

  • Level 1 - for beginner coaches

    16 hours of practical training

    Module results

    1. Understanding the basics of coaching and its differences from other helping professions.

    2. Basic study of ICF coaching competencies and understanding their application in everyday life.

    3. Participation in and analysis of demonstrative coaching sessions.

    4. Practice of question-setting skills for session contracting in a group format.

    5. Passing a test to reinforce the learned material and practicing coaching sessions in a group format.

    Training Schedule

    8 Zoom sessions / 0 video lessons

  • Level 1 - starting in coaching training

    8 Zoom meetings / 0 video lessons

    16 hours of skills training

    Results of the module

    1. Participation in two group mentoring sessions based on recorded sessions.

    2. Familiarization with the ICF Code of Ethics and analysis of ethical cases.

    3. Practicing skills for conducting the first meeting with a client.

    4. Understanding what a coaching contract for a session and long-term interaction is.

    5. Conducting first coaching sessions and receiving feedback in written and online formats.

    6. Passing a test to consolidate the studied material.

    Training schedule

  • Level 1 - beginner level

    8 Zoom meetings / 0 video lessons

    16 hours of coaching competencies development

    Results of the module

    1. Understanding how to build and maintain trust in a session with a client.

    2. Comprehending the concept of presence in a session, its necessity, and how a coach can learn to maintain it.

    3. Participation in group mentoring based on online sessions.

    4. Understanding the value of active listening in coaching and awakening the client's awareness during the session.

    5. Recording a session for individual mentoring.

    6. Conducting coaching sessions and receiving feedback in written and online formats.

    7. Participation in and analysis of demonstration coaching sessions.

    8. Passing a test to consolidate the studied material and preparation for individual mentoring.

    Training schedule

  • Level 1 - First Step of Three

    8 Zoom meetings / 0 video lessons

    16 hours of skill training

    Results of the module

    1. Completion of individual mentoring.

    2. Understanding how a coach can facilitate client development during a session.

    3. Participation in group mentoring based on online sessions.

    4. Understanding the value of coaching and enhancing the quality of life.

    5. Recording a session for individual mentoring.

    6. Conducting coaching sessions and receiving feedback in written format.

    7. Passing a test to consolidate the studied material and preparation for individual mentoring.

    Training schedule

  • Level 1 - start in the coaching profession

    8 Zoom meetings / 0 video lessons

    16 hours of no-fluff training

    Results of the module

    1. Completion of two individual mentorings.

    2. Participation in group mentoring based on online sessions.

    3. Recording a session for individual mentoring.

    4. Preparation for Level 1 assessment.

    5. Consolidation of the material covered throughout the course.

    6. Passing the assessment.

    Training schedule

  • Level 2 - professional level

    8 Zoom meetings / 0 video lessons

    16 hours of high-practical training

    Results of the module

    1. Understanding the requirements of ICF, AC, and EMCC federations for certification at the end of the training.

    2. Setting a goal for the next 5 months of training.

    3. Studying the benefits of long-term interaction for the client and the coach.

    4. Gaining practical skills in forming the structure of interaction within a long-term contract.

    5. Analyzing the structure of a contract session for long-term interaction with the client based on practice and demo sessions.

    6. Practicing the practical skills of conducting a contract session in long-term interaction with the client.

    7. Participation in group supervision focusing on concluding long-term contracts.

    8. Understanding how to demonstrate coaching competencies in the workplace.

    9. Creating a strategy plan for promoting the coach on social media, mastering storytelling, and Instagram tools (posts, stories, reels).

    10. Passing a test to consolidate the learned material and filling out a reflection journal.

    Training schedule

  • Level 2 - professional coaches level

    8 Zoom meetings / 0 video lessons

    16 hours of professional coaching training

    Results of the module

    1. Studying the ICF Code of Ethics and the Global Code of Ethics (AC and EMCC).

    2. Gaining practical skills in solving ethical cases.

    3. Learning and practicing the skills of contract negotiation in sessions through the lens of ICF markers and the competencies of AC and EMCC federations.

    4. Viewing and analyzing demo sessions from long-term contracts.

    5. Participating in group mentoring.

    6. Recording a session for individual mentoring (in the next module).

    7. Mastering the structure of the first sales meeting with a client through practice and Q&A.

    8. Passing a test to consolidate the learned material and filling out a reflection journal.

    Training schedule

  • Level 2 - Pre-Master Level

    8 Zoom meetings / 0 video lessons

    16 hours of professional skills development

    Results of the module

    1. Learning and practicing the skills of creating trust and maintaining presence in sessions through the lens of ICF markers and the competencies of AC and EMCC federations.

    2. Undergoing individual mentoring with a PCC ICF coach.

    3. Developing active listening skills and fostering awareness in sessions through the lens of ICF markers and the competencies of AC and EMCC federations.

    4. Participating in group mentoring for sessions from long-term contracts.

    5. Studying the structure of an equatorial (mid-point) session (workshop by Andrey Nekrasov, MCC ICF).

    6. Recording a coaching session for individual mentoring (in the next module).

    7. Participating in group mentoring for sessions from long-term contracts.

    8. Passing a test to consolidate the learned material and filling out a reflection journal.

    Training schedule

  • Level 2 - Pre-Master Coach Level

    8 Zoom meetings / 0 video lessons

    16 hours of skills reinforcement

    Results of the module

    1. Learning and practicing client development skills through the lens of ICF markers and the competencies of AC and EMCC federations.

    2. Undergoing individual mentoring with a PCC ICF coach.

    3. Studying the specifics of business and executive coaching (workshop by Andrey Nekrasov, MCC ICF).

    4. Participating in group mentoring for sessions from long-term contracts.

    5. Measuring individual progress and successful completion of training through the competency "Coaching Mindset."

    6. Recording a coaching session for individual mentoring (in the next module).

    7. Participating in group supervision focused on securing long-term contracts.

    8. Passing a test to consolidate the learned material and filling out a reflection journal.

    Training schedule

  • Level 2 - Professional Skills Level

    8 Zoom meetings / 0 video lessons

    16 hours of training focused on coaching qualification

    Results of the module

    1. Understanding the structure and practicing the skills for conducting final meetings with clients within long-term contracts.

    2. Undergoing individual mentoring with a PCC ICF coach.

    3. Preparation (and completion) for assessment according to the requirements of the ICF, AC, and EMCC federations.

    4. Participating in group mentoring for sessions from long-term contracts.

    5. Participating in group supervision focused on securing long-term contracts.

    6. Learning the basics and acquiring practical skills for working with metaphors in coaching sessions (workshop by Irina Gorbacheva).

    7. Preparing the set of documents for obtaining international qualification in ICF, EMCC, AC.

    8. Preparing for the ICF exam.

    Training schedule

.Testimonials About the Program

Our students' testimonials confirm the quality and effectiveness of our programs. Watch real video testimonials from people who have already completed or are still undergoing training.

See 3 more [Total 12]

Individual Training

One-on-one for 4 months with a professional mentor at your convenience and comfortable pace, resulting in 5 certificates

Contract for 12 sessions with a professional [PCC] ICF coach to move towards your goal, as a GIFT instead of $1,200

24 hours of Zoom lectures translated by Jean-Francois, former President of ICF Global, Master Certified Coach (MCC) ICF

Course "[PRO] motion Coach" for 40 hours as a GIFT instead of $490.

Course "Support for Long-term Contracts in Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300

Course "Team and Group Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300

Course "Business Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300

Course "Metaphors and Transformational Pauses in Coaching" (recording) as a GIFT instead of $250

Course "Ethical Standards in Coaching" (recording) as a GIFT instead of $250



per month [4 payments] and courses worth $2,590 as a GIFT


International-Level Professional Coach. Level 1 + 2

For those who want to stand out from the majority, gain extra knowledge, obtain 4 international certificates, build a coaching business, and become a professional coach from scratch.

Skills in conducting coaching sessions at the level of a professional international coach and skills in working with long-term contracts.

10 months, 2 times a week for 2 hours, 147 hours of training in the main program and 70 hours of training in 4 additional courses, which can be started at any time.

22 hours of mentoring [compared to others' 10], including 6 hours of individual mentoring + observation of 6 of your sessions and extensive feedback.

Three Zoom workshops to prepare for the international test to obtain international qualifications in 3 federations.

Opportunity to work as a coach in projects organized by us for companies and in international companies.

24 hours of Zoom lectures translated by Jean-Francois, former President of ICF Global, Master Certified Coach (MCC) ICF.

Course "[PRO] motion Coach" for 40 hours as a GIFT instead of $490

Course "Support for Long-term Contracts in Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300.

Course "Team and Group Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300.

Course "Business Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300.



per month [10 payments]

and courses worth $1,390 as a GIFT

Why don't we hide the price? We don't manipulate :)


International-Level Professional Coach. Level 1 + 2

Suitable for those who want to become a professional coach from scratch and build a coaching business

Skills in conducting coaching sessions at the level of an international professional coach and skills in working with long-term contracts

10 months, 2 times a week for 2 hours, 147 hours of training in the main program and 40 hours in the additional course

22 hours of mentoring [others have 10], including 6 individual hours + observation of your 6 sessions with extensive feedback

Three Zoom workshops to prepare for the international test for obtaining international qualifications in 3 federations

Opportunity to work as a coach in projects organized by us for companies and in international companies.

24 hours of Zoom lectures translated by Jean-Francois, former President of ICF Global, Master Certified Coach (MCC) ICF.

Course "[PRO] motion Coach" for 40 hours as a GIFT instead of $490

 Course "Support for Long-term Contracts in Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300.

 Course "Team and Group Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300.

 Course "Business Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300



per month [10 payments]

and courses worth $490 as a GIFT

Prices are hidden to be pushy later, but we're not like that :)


International-Level Coach. Level 1

If you want to start your journey as a coach and become an international coach from scratch

Skills to conduct coaching sessions at the level of an international coach

5 months, 2 times a week for 2 hours, 62 hours of training in the main program

11 hours of mentoring, including 3 individual hours + observation of your 6 sessions [others have 5] with extensive feedback

Support in obtaining the Associate Certified Coach [ACC] qualification from ICF

 Opportunity to work as a coach in projects organized by us for companies and in international companies.

 24 hours of Zoom lectures translated by Jean-Francois, former President of ICF Global, Master Certified Coach (MCC) ICF

 Course "[PRO] motion Coach" for 40 hours as a GIFT instead of $490

 Course "Support for Long-term Contracts in Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300.

 Course "Team and Group Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300.

 Course "Business Coaching" for 10 hours as a GIFT instead of $300.



per month [5 payments]

"Find out the price" instead of showing it, just to persuade later. We don't persuade.

.Participation Options

Any of the options are suitable for beginners. If you have previously trained in ICF accredited programs and want to advance your level, contact us and we will offer you participation options starting from the second part of Level 2. Choose your training option in the program.


cohort, currently open for enrollment


spots in the group, availability – please inquire

If you find a breach of my personal guarantees, write to me personally. If the breach is not addressed, you can contact ICF to protect your rights by filing a complaint against me personally, according to the ethical code. As a member of the ICF federation since 2016, I value my reputation, so we adhere to ethics and fulfill our agreements.

Andrey Nekrasov



.Personally Guarantee

The quality of training is such that we will be ready to sell your services ourselves.

We have launched a separate division,, whose main goal is to provide coaching services to companies, where we involve some of our graduates.

100% Refund if You Are Unsatisfied Within the First 14 Days

Additionally, 92% refund after the first 14 days if you decide to discontinue the training at any time. This is specified in your contract - we will refund the money for the events you will not attend. The refund will be processed within 10 days, minus 8%.

Option for unlimited academic leave

Even two years after pausing your training (with a refund), you can resume your studies from where you left off or start the course from the beginning up to the point where you paused, without any additional fees.

Access to materials for 12 months after graduation

While working as a coach, you will be able to refer to the materials, recall, deepen your understanding, and discover new meanings of coaching competencies and their markers.

.Enrollment in the Program

The training begins on October 7th., 2024, twice a week for two hours online on Zoom, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Kyiv time, in a group of up to 30 participants.

Training Option

Access to your personal account will be provided two days before the program starts after the contract is signed and the payment for the first month (or the full amount for the program) is made.

We will answer any questions :)

We will gladly help you understand what you need and choose the best option for you. Contact us on Telegram, we are almost always available.

Lilia Zakharova,

.Upcoming Start Dates

Currently, there are 400+ students in 25 groups enrolled in the "International-Level Professional Coach" program, and we enroll 2-3 new cohorts each month. We are a systematic university :)


International Coach

Level 1

Profession from scratch in 5 months

Language of training:


On Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. Kyiv time

$270 per month [5 payments]

$1,350 paying in one sum


International-level Professional Coach

Level 1 + Level 2

Profession from scratch in 10 months

Language of training:


On Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. Kyiv time

$270 per month [10 payments]

$2,700 paying in one sum

Coaching Subscription with International Coaches

Discover what you truly want in any area of life or business, or from life in general. Strengthen your inner resilience and self-belief, get inspired to take action despite any obstacles, and gain so much more. :))

Get 14 coaching sessions over 2 weeks starting at $27.

  • It all depends on your future plans for coaching. If you want to make your existing activities more effective through coaching skills or simply wish to get a better understanding of the field, completing the Level 1 program will be sufficient. However, if your goal is to pursue a new profession and fully develop in it, it is better to choose the Level 2 program.

  • Yes! It is quite common for students to start their journey with the university by purchasing the Level 1 program. Since the Level 1 program is the first part (five months) of the Level 2 program, you can always pay the difference between the packages and continue your training in the same group, in a comfortable and familiar atmosphere.

  • Absolutely not! For each group, a separate chat in Telegram is created where the group's administrator, the main trainer of your cohort, tutors, and your fellow group members are almost always available. Group chats are a pleasant bonus of the learning process, where everyone can find like-minded people, pleasant communication, experience exchange, valuable connections, and a wealth of developmental information.

  • Refunds are available! You can stop the training at any time, and you will receive a refund for the sessions you haven't attended yet. The refund will be issued minus 8% (covering bank fees and taxes). To request a refund, please email, providing your bank card number and the cardholder's name in Latin letters. The refund will be processed within 10 calendar days at the exchange rate of the National Bank of Ukraine on the day of the request. IMPORTANT!!! We do not make payments to bank cards of Russia and Belarus.

  • To receive an individual ICF qualification, you need to complete an accredited Level 1 or Level 2 program and accumulate the required number of client coaching hours. Upon completing the Level 1 program, you can apply for the first level of individual qualification - ACC (Associate Certified Coach), which requires a minimum of 100 client coaching hours.

    Upon completing the Level 2 program, you can apply for the second level of individual qualification - PCC (Professional Certified Coach), which requires a minimum of 500 client coaching hours.

    After submitting your application to the federation, you will gain access to an online test. Passing this test will grant you the qualification level. Within our accredited programs, we prepare you for this online test, making it easier for you to become an ICF certified coach after completing your training with us.

  • ICF is the largest and most reputable coaching federation in the world. It is represented in 67 countries, and with a diploma from an accredited program or by obtaining an individual qualification level, you will be able to work in any of these countries.

  • This process is highly individual and largely depends on the student's activity level. The federation facilitates this process by officially allowing students to start their coaching practice from the first days of training in an accredited program.


    However, we recommend starting to work with clients only after three months of training, once you have learned the basic competencies and have an understanding of how to conduct a session from start to finish.

    To help you gain client experience, we have created a Facebook group where you can join a Zoom session every Sunday to practice as a coach.

  • As of June 2024, the university has graduated 2,085 students from Level 1 and Level 2 programs. Of these, 14% have obtained an individual ICF qualification. This is a relatively high percentage, considering that approximately 50% of students enroll not for a new profession but to enhance their own skills and improve the effectiveness of their current activities.

  • We are always evolving, constantly developing and promoting the coaching culture. Therefore, the university has several areas of activity, one of which is a company that collaborates with large corporations on coaching projects. After completing their training and obtaining ICF certification, our graduates have the opportunity to work with us as coaches on a paid basis.

    There are also several university projects (such as Coaching by Subscription, etc.) where graduates can work as coaches if they wish.

    Additionally, graduates can remain part of our team in roles such as Observer, Mentor, or Trainer.

.Frequently Asked Questions

We have gathered the questions we most frequently receive from prospective students. We hope you find them useful.

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