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What Psychological Research is Reflected in Coaching?

What Psychological Research is Reflected in Coaching?

Today, we want to discuss a range of personality theories that have influenced the postulates of many professions that help people. Let’s see how psychology helps coaches better understand their clients. We’ll also recall the contributions of famous psychologists to the formation of psychology.

Personality and Humanistic Psychology

We chose the humanistic direction first for a reason. It is the humanists who place the individual at the core of their teachings. One of the first to express a theory of personality was the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, the founder of humanistic psychology. He is best known for his hierarchy of needs. Maslow spent a lot of time studying self-actualization. According to his research, self-actualization is the highest need that pushes a person to reveal their inner capabilities and prospects.At the top of Maslow’s hierarchy is the need for self-actualization. This encompasses three specific needs:

  • Cognitive needs — a person’s desire for self-development, gaining new knowledge, and mastering new skills. The drive for knowledge is driven by the desire to improve one’s intellectual sphere.

  • Aesthetic needs — a person’s desire for beauty, order, and harmony. According to Maslow, when an individual satisfies cognitive needs, they start longing for something beautiful.

  • Self-actualization — a person’s desire to become an improved version of themselves. While self-realization involves the realization of existing potential, self-actualization is explained by a person’s search for hidden possibilities and creative potential within themselves.

Abraham Maslow stated that very few people achieve self-actualization. However, this statement made sense in the mid-20th century, when few people sought self-actualization as basic needs were still relevant for the majority. In today’s world, people easily satisfy cognitive and aesthetic needs and seek a helper to assist in unlocking their potential. This is why coaching as a profession has gained such popularity and demand in modern times.

What Psychological Research is Reflected in Coaching?

The American psychologist identifies the key traits of individuals who have reached the level of self-actualization. Let’s list the main ones:

  • acceptance of reality and a positive attitude towards it (not hiding from reality, but accepting and understanding it);

  • acceptance of oneself and others (respect and acceptance of oneself and others);

  • professional passion for one’s favorite work;

  • focus on results, not tasks, in all spheres of life;

  • independence and autonomy (freedom from others' opinions);

  • self-development and uncovering abilities;

  • awareness of personal experience and an objective assessment of one’s capabilities;

  • readiness to solve problems;

  • creativity in work, relationships, and thinking, aimed at self-actualization.

You can learn more about Abraham Maslow’s concept in his book Motivation and Personality.

The fundamental stance of humanistic psychology is the recognition of the priority of human creative potential. Everyone has potential. The essence of the coach’s work is to help develop this potential.

Phenomenology and Personality

The phenomenological approach is rarely mentioned, but its principles are actively used in practical psychology. One of the influential representatives of phenomenology is Carl Rogers. His methodology resonates strongly with coaches because it focuses on a person’s present. While psychoanalysis turns to the past, phenomenology emphasizes the value of the moment.

When considering Rogers’ concept of personality, it’s important to highlight key concepts such as reality, self-actualization, and the "fully functioning person." For Rogers, reality is the perception of the world through personal experience. Thus, each person defines their own reality.

What Psychological Research is Reflected in Coaching?

While Maslow views self-actualization as the peak of needs, for Rogers, it is the primary driving force in life. Every decision or choice a person makes is determined by the pursuit of self-actualization. This is an ongoing process, not an end goal.

Rogers also highlights five characteristics of a fully functioning individual:

  1. Openness to experience.

  2. An existential way of living.

  3. Trust in one’s own feelings.

  4. Experiential freedom — the ability to live as one wishes.

  5. Creativity.

More about his concept can be found in Rogers’ book On Becoming a Person.

Positive Psychology

Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology, introduced a new approach focused on the study of positive emotions and human qualities. Building on the concepts of Maslow and Rogers, Seligman emphasizes human happiness and identifies three stages of life understanding:

  1. A pleasant life, full of positive emotions.

  2. A good life, focused on development.

  3. A meaningful life, where a person strives to make a positive contribution to society.

Seligman’s PERMA model covers five elements for achieving well-being:

  • Positive emotions

  • Engagement

  • Relationships

  • Meaning

  • Accomplishments

These elements help individuals achieve happiness and well-being.

Psychology and Coaching

Understanding psychological processes helps coaches better understand their clients. That is why COACHING.UP offers its students the course "Psychology Basics for Coaches". Follow the course announcements on our social media channels and don’t miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge in coaching practice.

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