Among all educational institutions worldwide that offer coaching training, COACHING.UP holds the 18th position in the number of accredited programs offered!
Many schools and universities provide coaching training globally, but only a few have accredited programs. Training in accredited programs ensures the quality of education for students. Accreditation confirms that the program adheres to globally recognized coaching standards, making the services of such specialists in demand worldwide.
We currently offer 10 accredited programs:
International Coach – accredited Level 1 ICF
Professional Coach at International Level [Level 2] – accredited ICF, AC, EMCC
Lingvo-Coach – accredited Level 1 ICF
Agile Coach – accredited Level 1 ICF
HR Coach – accredited Level 1 ICF
Team Coach at International Level – accredited AATC ICF
Professional Supervisor for Coaches – accredited CCE ICF
Professional Mentor Coach – accredited CCE ICF
Fundamentals of Psychology for Coaches – accredited CCE ICF
Sales and Support of Long-Term Contracts – accredited CCE ICF
You can verify the accreditation of the programs in the available official catalogs:
ICF (International Coach Federation) – online catalog https://apps.coachingfederation.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?webcode=ESS)
AC (Association for Coaching) – by sending a request to the association's email (enquiries@associationforcoaching.com)
EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council) – online catalog (https://www.emccglobal.org/news/eqa-congratulations-for-coachingup-university/)
For those planning to start their training and considering programs, we recommend making the most of our triple-accredited program! There are over 2,000 coaching training programs worldwide, but only 6, including our university's program, have accreditation from three coaching federations.