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ICF Introduces a New Exam for ACC Certified Coaches

ICF Introduces a New Exam for ACC Certified Coaches

In the world of coaching, certification is crucial for confirming your competence and professionalism. ICF (International Coaching Federation) introduces a new exam for obtaining the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential — the first and essential step towards a professional coaching career. This exam, designed by coaches for coaches, incorporates all the knowledge requirements necessary at the early stages of a coaching career.

What is ACC Certification and Why is it Important?

The ACC credential is the entry-level qualification for ICF coaches and confirms a coach’s fundamental knowledge of core competencies, the Code of Ethics, and the definition of coaching. This certification allows coaches to demonstrate their trustworthiness and competence, providing clients with confidence that they are working with a qualified coach.

How to Obtain ACC Certification?

To apply for the ACC certification, candidates must meet a set of requirements. This includes obtaining specific coach education, gaining client experience, passing an assessment, and demonstrating the application of ICF competencies by conducting a real client session under the supervision of a mentor. The final step in the process is taking a written exam and achieving a passing score.

ICF Introduces a New Exam for ACC Certified Coaches

Structure of the New ACC Exam: What to Expect?

The ACC certification exam will have a clearly defined structure, consisting of 60 multiple-choice questions. Each question will have four possible answers, with only one being correct. The exam is divided into two parts, each containing 30 questions, with a 10-minute break in between.

Exam Format:

  • Duration: 90 minutes (including a 10-minute break).

  • Number of questions: 60 multiple-choice questions.

  • Location: The exam can be taken at specialized Pearson VUE testing centers or via the OnVue Pearson online testing platform.

Key Competencies and Exam Components

The exam covers three key components that provide a comprehensive overview of the knowledge and skills necessary for successful coaching practice:

  • Coaching Ethics (30%): This component includes knowledge of professional codes of ethics, the ability to recognize conflicts of interest, and adherence to confidentiality standards.

  • Coaching Definition and Boundaries (30%): This includes understanding the coaching process, its differences from related professions (therapy, counseling, mentoring), and the ability to refer clients to other professionals when necessary.

  • Coaching Competencies, Strategies, and Methods (40%): This covers the establishment of coaching agreements with clients, the application of ICF core competencies, and their use in various situations.

How to Prepare for the ACC Exam?

When preparing for the exam, it’s important to review the learning materials from your coaching program, familiarize yourself with ICF core competencies, and thoroughly study the ICF Code of Ethics. Additionally, it’s crucial to prepare for typical coaching situations that may arise during client work and consider how to respond effectively. This not only prepares you for the exam but also ensures successful practice in the future.

At COACHING.UP, we help students prepare for exams by providing them with the necessary tools for successful certification. Our students take interim tests using a special simulator that closely mimics the real conditions of the certification exam. Test questions are based on case studies where you must assess how a coach demonstrates effectiveness and choose the correct answer from several options. The platform allows you to immediately see the correct answers and analyze them with your trainer and group during specialized sessions.

Final tests after completing the program level help you assess your level of knowledge. We offer the option to take these tests multiple times, so even after finishing the course, before taking the ICF Credentialing exam, you can practice, review material, and get accustomed to time constraints and question structure.

Exam Registration Process

Registration for the exam takes place through the certification application process. First, you need to apply for the ACC coach level along with the required documentation. After your application is reviewed and approved, you will receive an email invitation to take the written exam. This email will also include instructions for scheduling the test via the Pearson VUE platform (in person or online).Once you receive the exam invitation, you have 60 days to plan and take the test. This is the final step before receiving your certification.

ICF Introduces a New Exam for ACC Certified Coaches

After the Exam: How to Get Your Results?

After completing the exam, you will immediately receive preliminary results from Pearson VUE. Official results will be available within 48 hours, and you will receive an email from ICF with further instructions. If you successfully pass the exam, you will be sent a certificate confirming your ACC coach qualification. If you do not pass, you can retake the exam by paying a fee of $105.

Exam Result Evaluation

Exam results are assessed based on the number of correct answers. The score is calculated on a scale of 200 to 600 points, with a passing score of 460. This means each candidate must score at least 460 points to pass the exam.

Development of the ACC Level Certification Exam: Standards and Process

The exam was developed following the highest standards in certification exams. Certified practicing coaches who have gone through all stages — from crafting the questions to determining the correct answers — participated in its creation. Each question is reviewed by a group of volunteers to ensure its accuracy and fairness. This guarantees that candidates taking the exam have a comprehensive understanding of core coaching competencies and ethical standards.

Why Do Coaches Pursue ACC Certification?

Obtaining an ACC certificate is more than just a piece of paper. It’s an official confirmation of your ability to professionally practice coaching, which increases your value to clients and employers. Additionally, an individual ACC qualification opens up new opportunities for professional growth and is the first step toward higher levels of coaching qualifications, such as PCC (Professional Certified Coach) and MCC (Master Certified Coach).

It’s Time to Start Your Journey to ACC Coach Qualification

The ACC-level coaching exam is an important milestone on the path to a successful career. With a well-structured exam, transparent requirements, and access to the necessary resources, you have all the tools to pass the exam successfully and achieve the desired qualification.

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