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Case of the Winner Olesya Skvira in the 'Transformational Personal Journey' Category

lesya Skvira COACHING.UP Coaching

Congratulations to Skvira Olesya on winning third place in the "Transformational Personal Journey" category of the COACHING.UP case competition!

Explore a story that leaves no one indifferent.

The decision to study at COACHING.UP was a conscious choice for me.

I had been searching for a tool to help people—one that resonated with me, my values, my depth, and my worldview. A tool that could transform lives, unlock their greatest potential, and, most importantly, help me rediscover my own potential, which had been pushed to the background in recent years. There had been many personal and unexpected changes in my life, along with stress and limitations, so my focus shifted to solving everyday tasks.

At first, I enrolled in a short introductory course at COACHING.UP. During that course, I was able to feel the values the COACHING.UP team promoted. Every cell in my body responded, telling me that this was my place—this was where I belonged! Everything resonated with me! During the five-day introductory course, I attended ten free coaching sessions with ICF coaches, and the realizations I gained continued unfolding for a whole year. It was a deep inner transformation that helped me find crucial "pieces of the puzzle" to understand my next steps—at a time in my life when I had to start over yet again. A year later, when I had both the time and financial means, I began my first level of training—ACC ICF.

ICF-standard coaching allowed me to view my current activities and life in a completely new way. It transformed how I interacted with my clients—making it more honest, effective, and built on partnership. I began giving them more responsibility, observing their realizations in the pauses, and witnessing the beautiful process of unlocking their inner potential. I must admit that I did not immediately accept the structure, competencies, and markers. At first, they felt very restrictive. My body, heart, soul, and intuition struggled to align with my mind and personality, which were undergoing yet another reconstruction during my ACC ICF training.

For nearly five months, I worked to unite my soul and personality, to integrate the material and the spiritual. I tackled deep personal topics in my own coaching sessions, shifting my perception of the world and myself. I became more open and honest—with myself and those around me. I was essentially rebuilding myself from scratch! Then came the process of accepting this new self, adapting to it, understanding its needs, sensing my true goals, and recognizing my own vastness. I began expressing myself through this new identity.

I looked in the mirror and saw a completely different person—someone who had regained the desire to move forward, to want and dream again! To dream big! I finally gave myself permission to express my full potential in the world, including through social media. For a long time, I had an aversion to social media and found it incredibly difficult to take even the smallest steps toward self-promotion.

On the second level of training (PCC ICF), all my internal realizations and transformations started translating into real actions and steps. I have accomplished so much in the past five months, bringing complete order to my life. I have become less resistant to the ICF structure. This time, I listened to the second course with my heart, rarely taking notes—I began to feel coaching on a deeper level, embodying it. By the end of the second course, everything had come together into a harmonious whole.

I found peace, self-trust, and confidence that I could handle any coaching session. I am not perfect and may still make mistakes, but I have no fear. In sessions, I enter a state of flow, guided by intuition and bodily sensations. There is a lot of freedom, uncertainty, and flexibility, yet at the same time, an underlying structure weaves it all together into a dynamic, ever-evolving process of creation.

Over the past two months, I have also managed to create my own VK page and launch my Telegram channel. But my most significant achievement in recent months has been rebuilding my relationship with my teenage son. After my divorce, we went through a difficult period—he rebelled, skipped school, withdrew from me, became aggressive, and avoided communication.

Phrases like "May I ask you one question?" or "Can I ask you something?" became the key to his heart. He started responding—at first rarely, then more often, and gradually, he turned toward me again. Now, he hugs me, smiles more, spends time with me, helps around the house, expresses gratitude, and even says words of love. As I changed, so did my son’s behavior.

Coaching ethics have also begun influencing my relationships with others. I have become even more attentive to my words, and my active listening skills are improving and naturally integrating into both my personal and professional life.

Now, I have many plans, big goals, and clearly defined steps to achieve them. I have plans to grow as a coach and enhance my professionalism, but my main priority is to create balance in my life—to have time for my son, my work, myself, my hobbies, my rest, my self-development, and, most importantly, to truly live! To experience life in full color, in sensation, in the moment, with ease, joy, and happiness.

What advice would I give to future coaches? Simply believe in yourself. Believe in your immense potential and inner strength! Everything you need is already within you—all the answers are inside you! Allow yourself to unfold in all your beauty and uniqueness!

Author: Skvira Olesya,

Student at COACHING.UP



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